
Saturday, July 08, 2006


Came through this acronym, thought of sharing it here !! Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications easy. With GWT, you can develop and debug AJAX applications in the Java language using the Java development tools of your choice. GWT is a JavaScript generator. GWT takes Java code written against a special API and converts it into browser-runnable Ajax code. Check a good tutorial at AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. A traditional web application will submit input (using an HTML form) to a web server. After the web server has processed the data, it will return a completely new web page to the user. Because the server returns a new web page each time the user submits input, traditional web applications often run slowly and tend to be less user friendly. With AJAX, web applications can send and retrieve data without reloading the whole web page. This is done by sending HTTP requests to the server (behind the scenes), and by modifying only parts of the web page using JavaScript when the server returns data. XML is commonly used as the format for receiving server data, although any format, including plain text, can be used. More examples at I tried the samples .. looks cool.


  • At 2:50 AM, July 11, 2006, Blogger Syam said…

    This is the output from my brain after reading your post

    "This post is too technical...Trouble understanding" :-)

  • At 2:54 PM, July 11, 2006, Blogger Jeevan said…

    I cant use this GWT, because i have Win98 system. good information Pavi (short form of Pavithra).

  • At 8:27 PM, July 11, 2006, Blogger Pavithra said…

    Syam - Thanks for your comments. May be I was in a hurry !! I'll try to make it simple in my next post and wait for your comments.

    Jeevan - Thanks. U can use it with UNIX :-)


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